
DIY Mod Podge

Glue in a jar with a paint brush

A little history about Mod Podge (or Decoupage Glue) You might be surprised to find out. Mod Podge has been around since before Victorian times. And has been used to not just hold together and laminate jigsaw puzzles like most of us think of when it’s mentioned. Mod Podge (Decoupage Glue) has been used to create wonderful works of art as well as adhering fabrics and papers to objects like glass, creating lovely wall murals, collages, wallpapering walls with newspaper, and lampshades! You may also be surprised by the many ways it can be made! Here I will discuss a couple of those methods.

How to Make Homemade Decoupage Glue

DIY Mod Podge- Decoupaging purple flours on a cup

This is one of my favorite ways to create one of a kind pieces. It is so versatile and has so many amazing uses you wouldn’t normally think of. I like laminating multiple pieces of paper stacked together to make ornaments from printed out images I love. I will show how to do that in a later article for Christmas 😉

How to Make Decoupage Glue with PVA

Here we will discuss how to make Decoupage Glue (Mod Podge Glue) using PVA glue for larger projects that you really want to make last. Alot of great ideas for uses for this type.

Sometimes called Elmer’s Glue, sometimes called Woodworking glue PVA glue is used by gamers and modeling artists to give a hard finish to their works. I can’t wait to try this one myself…dream bubble time ‘ to self: wonder if I can use this in jewelry making and ornaments?…can’t wait to find out!’ The ideas are endless…so many possibilities!!

You will need:

  • Jar with a tight-fitting lid
  • 1/3 of a cup of water
  • 1 full cup of PVA
  • spatula or spoon


  • In your jar add your cup of PVA glue and then add your 1/3rd cup of water in and close the jar making sure the lid is on tight and shake until thoroughly mixed.
  • Your PVA mod Podge is now ready to use.

Special thanks to Lulastic Hippyshake for this simple and fantastic recipe.

Some very exciting and cool uses are recycled floors, wall hangings, and masks. Can’t wait to see what you come up with.

DIY Mod Podge without Glue

Here’s a non-school glue, non-PVA recipe. This recipe will be an homage to a time when Mod Podge glue wasn’t even a brand yet and glue made from hooves was expensive. And forget Wallpaper paste unless you had a lot of money. This recipe is guaranteed not to break the bank and use ingredients most homes already have on hand, flour, sugar, water, oil, and vinegar.

Decoupaging poinsettia flowers onto round ball

Foreword: this version can tend to be a bit grainy so if you are needing absolutely clear this may not be the one to use.

You will need:

  • 1 ½ cups (210 grams) flour
  • ¼ cup (56.25 grams) granulated sugar
  • 1 cup (225 milliliters) cold water
  • ¼ teaspoon olive oil
  • ¼ teaspoon vinegar
  • clean12oz. jar with a tight-fitting lid, glass or plastic


  • Mix your flour and sugar together in a pot on your stove but do not turn on the stove yet.
  • Slowly mix in your cold water to get any lumps out
  • Next mix in your oil
  • Turn the stove on medium-high heat stirring constantly, do not let the contents of the pot boil. You want to end up with a thick, glue-like consistency. If the mixture starts to become too thick, add more water and keep stirring.
  • Add the Vinegar, ¼ teaspoon of vinegar helps control fungus and mold and keep it from developing in your mod podge. Add after your pot has cooled and give the mod podge a final stir.

If you have gluten allergies you can also try rice flour instead to make the flour decoupage recipe.

With thanks to WikiHow for this fantastic Flour-Based-Mod-Podge recipe.

Mod Podge Alternative

While writing this article I found this recipe on you tube that I felt may help someone who is trying to stay all-natural.

You will need:

  • 2tsp sugar
  • 2tsp cornstarch
  • 1tsp clear gelatin
  • 2tbs vinegar
  • 1/4 cup water

The Steps:

  • Bring water and sugar to a boil
  • Mix cornstarch with 1/2 cup cold water until it dissolves and set aside
  • Add gelatin to 1/4 cup hot water and mix until dissolved and set aside
  • Next, add the cornstarch and water to the sugar and water mix you boiled and stir well until it begins to thicken
  • Stir the gelatin water that you set aside and start to slowly add in your cornstarch, sugar, and water from the stove and ensure it is well blended with no lumps.
  • Once this mixture is cooled add the vinegar and mix really well again. It is now ready to use.
  • Store in a closed container at in a cool spot, like the refrigerator for two weeks

Thanks to the Colorful Canary for this recipe.

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How to make Faux Seeded Glass

Mod Podge Cabinet

How to Mod Podge Paper on Glass